CIO timeshare services

  • Timeshared IT director :Part-time, on demand, subscription, interim, on-site or remote. A simple, efficient, economical and flexible solution adapted to your needs!
  • Part-time CIO services. Faites appel à un directeur informatique à temps partiel, à la fréquence souhaitée.From one day to several days per month, all the formulas are possible according to your needs.
  • CIO services on demand. Call, on request, on the services of an IT manager. All activities usually covered by an IT manager are available by request.
  • CIO subscription services. On the basis of a monthly subscription, reach your IT director by email or by phone. He can advise you or help you in the context of a particular problem.
  • Interim CIO services. Call on CIO-PME for short-term interim requests for all or part of the functions of IT manager or project manager.


With the rapid evolution of information technology, the management of the information system, the choice of technologies, tools, suppliers or even IT service providers are not always obvious for SMEs. In large companies, these choices are the responsibility of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), also known as IT Director. The CIO anticipates, analyzes and proposes the main strategic choices in terms of IT while respecting the overall strategy of the company. He ensures the smooth running of operations.

The cost related to a CIO function in a large company being significant, the company CIO-PME offers the possibility for SMEs to access it at a more affordable price, by offering CIO services on a timeshare basis to support and advise SME managers in their IT choices. By taking charge of IT problems in an operational manner, the CIO-PME company allows the manager of the company to focus on his core business.

An SME can therefore call on a CIO a few days a month, for example. It can benefit from the experience of a CIO working for other SMEs, with of course the assurance of the confidentiality of the information specific to each SME. In addition, it benefits from the pooling of training, skills, knowledge and technological intelligence from a CIO shared by several SMEs.

The savings made by each SME are therefore significant while benefiting from an experienced CIO.

The role of the timeshare CIO is to cover all facets of the function, even if it may only intervene for a part of them according to the needs of each SME.

The main activities covered by the CIO in timeshare are, without being exhaustive:

  • Propose and operationalize the company's IT strategy
  • Manage and / or optimize the information system
  • Manage and / or optimize IT budgets and contracts
  • Establish specifications
  • Help in choosing and monitoring IT suppliers and service providers
  • Manage IT projects
  • Help with the choice and configuration of IT solutions / software
  • Be the interface with the trades and drive change
  • Advise / monitor IT staff and / or IT interns
  • Help recruit IT staff

The presence of a CIO in an SME also makes it possible to give the latter a certain independence towards its service providers or IT suppliers.

Finally, the presence of a timeshare CIO in an SME is not at all incompatible with the presence of an IT manager. The CIO can thus usefully advise the IT manager in his choices but also temporarily take over certain activities to relieve him.

The part-time CIO

The company CIO-PME offers the services of a part-time CIO, at the desired frequency. From one day to several days per month or per week, all the formulas are possible according to the needs of the company. Difficulties can arise at any time, the part-time COI obviously remains reachable outside the days of services initially scheduled, by email or telephone.
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CIO on-demand

The activities covered by a timeshare CIO can also be the subject of specific service offers as part of ad hoc interventions to help or advise the IT manager in place or the manager of the SME. It is obviously possible to combine the CIO à la carte and CIO subscription plans.
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CIO by subscription

For companies who do not wish to have a part-time CIO present in the company, CIO-PME offers subscription to CIO services. On the basis of a monthly subscription, the company can join its CIO in timeshare by email or by phone for advice or collaborate with it in the context of a particular issue.
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CIO on interim basis

The company CIO-PME can also respond, to SMEs, depending on availability, to interim requests, in particular for all or part of the functions of information systems director, IT director or project director.
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The CIO services of the company CIO-PME are simple, efficient and flexible solutions adapted to your needs!

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